List of serializers

XmlSerializer: The XmlSerializer enables you to control how objects are encoded into XML.
JavaScriptSerializer:  Provides serialization and deserialization functionality for AJAX-enabled applications.
DataContractSerializer: DataContractSerializer class to serialize and deserialize instances of a type into an XML stream or document.
NetDataContractSerializer: NetDataContractSerializer can be used only if both the serializing and deserializing ends share the same CLR types.
DataContractJsonSerializer:  Serializes objects to the JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) and deserializes JSON data to objects.

string strjson= "{\"Age\":\"32\",\"Exp\":\"6 Years\",\"Name\":\"Tarun\",\"Technology\":\".NET\"}";
JavaScriptSerializer serializer1 = new JavaScriptSerializer();
object obje = serializer1.Deserialize<object>(strjson);
Step1: Create an array
Step2: Use the grep() method of jQuery, which takes  parameters.
            First parameter is array.

var x = [9, 10, 11,12,13,14,15]
var removeData = 12;

x = jQuery.grep(x, function(value) {
 return value != removeData;

[9, 10, 11,13,14,15]
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